We were glad so many members could make it to the AGM, thank you all for attending.
We had an educational session on mentoring with Caroline de Stexhe, the treasurer’s report by Dolors Ambrosio, voted in various new members and the new committee!

A big thank you to the ‘old’ committee for their dedication and engagement.

Congratulations to all new committee members, we appreciate your commitment to making this club thrive.


Miao Gerard, Dolors Ambrosio, Celia Rohland, Rafael Arranz, Luana Hartman, Ralph Dümpelmann, Stefan Steinemann

The new committee members for Juli 2015 – June 2016 are

President: Miao Gerard
VP Education: Ralph Dümpelmann
VP Membership: open
VP PR: Luana Hartman
Administration Managaer (formerly called ‘Secretary’): Rafael Arranz
Finance Manager (formerly called ‘Treasurer’): Dolors Ambrosio
Logistics Manager (formerly called ‘Sergeant at Arms’): Celia Rohland
Immediate Past President: Stefan Steinemann

In the second half of the meeting we had table topics with Ralph Dümpelmann, the table topic master, and all very amusing and fun impromptu speeches.

The meeting was followed by, again, a very nice apéro by Rafa, thank you!