On 20 March 2018 Pathways was launched as the new education system for all Toastmaster Members of our District.

The traditional education program has served Toastmasters for many years. However, much of the communication track hasn’t been updated since the 1970s. The Toastmasters Pathways learning experience is not a departure from the current program, because it builds on the established educational foundation. Pathways is a modernized learning experience suited to our changing global society. It offers you more benefits and more opportunities to learn, grow and meet personal and professional goals. You now have the opportunity to develop additional skills. You can choose your learning field from 10 different paths.

You find more information and a short informative video about Pathways on the Toastmasters International website:

Every member has to make an assessment before you can choose your path. In this Video you learn the necessary steps you need to take before you can choose your first path:

You also find answers for questions on the FAQ page of Toastmasters International.

On 18 March Pathways our club member and Pathways Ambassador, Sabine Schmelzer, presented Pathways to our members to introduce it and to answer questions.

We are very proud that half of our members already did the assessment and chose there path. We are looking forward to their first speeches in Pathways.